Nitka is a folk performance group affiliated with The Museum of Russian Art in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The group’s mission is to study, research, perform, and interpret female communal culture of old Russia. The songs and dances are based on the 19th century village tradition, but their roots are far more ancient. Performances feature circle dances called khorovods, singing games, work songs, solemn ritual events, and more. This is an intangible heritage that Nitka hopes to preserve.
Nitka means ‘thread’ in Russian. As a thread holds pieces of cloth together, Nitka’s creativity weaves past and present histories, locations, and practices into Minnesota’s rich cultural fabric.
The Nitka are performance-oriented folklorists who love to present this fascinating slice of the world’s traditional communal culture to broad public. The group is TMORA’s outreach project contributing to Minnesota’s vibrant and varied art scene.
Interested in joining the Nitka group? Nitka welcomes everyone who is committed to exploring and performing Russian folklore and has a penchant for singing.

Please contact Masha Zavialova, TMORA Curator and Nitka Co-Director: [email protected]
Фольклорная группа «Нитка» при Музее Русского Искусства в Миннеаполисе объявляет набор участников. Если вы интересуетесь русским фольклором, любите петь, и хотите участвовать в наших программах, пожалуйста, напишите нам: [email protected]; [email protected]

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