Winter session will start on Monday, January 6, 2025 and runs for 10 consecutive weeks.
All classes are held once a week for two hours. Morning and evening classes are available.
All classes are for ADULTS only. Class maximum: 8 students; class minimum: 4 students.
- If minimum enrollment is not met, students will be offered the option of remitting a tuition supplement. If all involved students agree to the supplement, the class can materialize.
- Class-attendance of 70% is expected to proceed to the next level.
- Punctuality towards class starting time is kindly required to avoid class disruption.
- Class registration is not transferable to another person.
- All group classes will close after the first week of class.
- Cancellations of private or semi-private lessons, made less than 24 hours in advance, will be charged at the normal rate of tuition.
- If you do not receive a Zoom link, and class details, by the day before your first class session, please check your spam folder.
- Language sessions are not recorded for students who miss a class.
- Active participation is key. Video and audio must be turned on, auditing the class without interaction is not conducive to learning and affects the class dynamic.
Beginning Level 1
January 7 – March 11
Tuesday Evenings, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM CST
Beginning level starts with learning the Russian alphabet and phonetics, as well as the development of basic reading skills, providing the knowledge of basic grammar patterns and vocabulary. The course covers essential aspects of everyday life, such as meeting people, getting around the city, shopping and visiting restaurants. The goal of this course is for students to be able to greet others, introduce themselves, and ask for basic information.
Prerequisites: none
“Poekhali 1.1” Textbook and Workbook are required for this level.
Textbook and Workbook can be purchased at the museum store or online:
Beginning Level 2
January 7 – March 11
Tuesday Evenings, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM CST
The goal of this course is for students to be able to speak more extensively about themselves, their families, hobbies and free time and daily routine. Students will learn Prepositional and Accusative case of Russian nouns, past tense of Russian verbs, days of the week, seasons and numbers from 1 to 199.
Prerequisites: Beginning Level 1 or proficiency test.
For those with Russian language experience who have not previously taken classes with TMORA, a proficiency test is required to be placed in classes above Beginning Level 1. Please register for a proficiency test (click HERE) before registering for a class. Applicants should have basic reading skills and be able to introduce themselves, name objects, and ask for basic information. For questions about the program, please contact TMORA’s Russian Language Program Manager, Elena Epshteyn: [email protected]
“Poekhali 1.1” Textbook and Workbook are required for this level.
Textbook and Workbook can be purchased at the museum store or online:
Beginning Level 3
January 9 – March 13
Thursday Evenings, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM CST
The goal of this course is for students to be able to speak more extensively about themselves, their families and daily routine. Students will learn Russian Adverbs and Adjectives and their agreement with the nouns.
Prerequisites: Beginning Level 2 or proficiency test.
For those with Russian language experience who have not previously taken classes with TMORA, a proficiency test is required to be placed in classes above Beginning Level 1. Please register for a proficiency test (click HERE) before registering for a class. Applicants should be able to read fluently in Russian, talk about their hobbies, daily routine, days of the week and seasons. Applicants should be able to conjugate Russian verbs in Present and Past tenses and have knowledge of Nominative, Prepositional and Accusative cases and know numbers from 1 to 199. For questions about the program, please contact TMORA’s Russian Language Program Manager, Elena Epshteyn: [email protected]
“Poekhali 1.1” Textbook and Workbook are required for this level.
Textbook and Workbook can be purchased at the museum store or online:
Beginning Level 5
January 14 – March 18
Tuesday Evenings, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM CST
The goal for this course is to expand vocabulary by adding international words and verbs. Grammar topics include learning Prepositional case of adjectives and ordinal numerals. Verbs of motion will be introduced in this class.
Prerequisites: Beginning Level 4 or proficiency test.
For those with Russian language experience who have not previously taken classes with TMORA, a proficiency test is required to be placed in classes above Beginning Level 1. Please register for a proficiency test (click HERE) before registering for a class. Applicants should be able to read fluently in Russian, talk about their hobbies, daily routine, shopping habits, fashion, family and travel. Applicants should be able to conjugate Russian verbs in Present and Past tenses as well as know adverbs, adjectives and their agreement with the nouns. For questions about the program, please contact TMORA’s Russian Language Program Manager, Elena Epshteyn: [email protected]
“Poekhali 1.1” Textbook and Workbook are required for this level.
Textbook and Workbook can be purchased at the museum store or online:
Advanced Beginning Level 2
January 8 – March 12
Wednesday Evenings, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM CST
In this class, students will expand their knowledge of Genitive case by adding Plural nouns and Adjectives, will learn agreement between numbers and nouns, learn dates and time and learn comparative degree of Adjectives. In class, students will be discussing fun topics like social networks, Russian Holidays and Russian culture.
Prerequisites: Advanced Beginning Level 1 or proficiency test.
For those with Russian language experience who have not previously taken classes with TMORA, a proficiency test is required to be placed in classes above Beginning Level 1. Please register for a proficiency test (click HERE) before registering for a class. Applicants should be able to talk in past and in present tense about their hobbies, profession, daily routine, fashion, family and travel. Applicants should be able to use verbs of motion as well as reflexive verbs and feel comfortable with Nominative, Prepositional, Accusative and Genitive cases of Nouns and Adjectives. For questions about the program, please contact TMORA’s Russian Language Program Manager, Elena Epshteyn: [email protected]
“Poekhali 1.2” Textbook and Workbook are required for this level.
Textbook and Workbook can be purchased at the museum store or online:
Advanced Beginning Level 3
January 7 – March 11
Tuesday Mornings, 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM CST
The goal of the course is for students to solidify their knowledge of Perfective and Imperfective aspects and to learn Dative case of Russian nouns, Personal Pronouns and Adjectives. Fun topics of this course include expressing emotions and visits to the doctors’ office.
Prerequisites: Advanced Beginning Level 2 or proficiency test.
For those with Russian language experience who have not previously taken classes with TMORA, a proficiency test is required to be placed in classes above Beginning Level 1. Please register for a proficiency test (click HERE) before registering for a class. Applicants should be able to speak in past and present tense about their hobbies, profession, daily routine, fashion, family and travel. Applicants should be able to use verbs of motion as well as reflexive verbs and feel comfortable with Nominative, Prepositional, Accusative and Genitive cases of Nouns and Adjectives. For questions about the program, please contact TMORA’s Russian Language Program Manager, Elena Epshteyn: [email protected]
“Poekhali 1.2” Textbook and Workbook are required for this level.
Textbook and Workbook can be purchased at the museum store or online:
Advanced Beginning Level 4
January 7 – March 11
Tuesday Evenings, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM CST
The goal of the course is for students to expand their knowledge of Dative case, learn Instrumental Case and Formation of the Imperative verbs.
Prerequisites: Advanced Beginning Level 3 or proficiency test.
For those with Russian language experience who have not previously taken classes with TMORA, a proficiency test is required to be placed in classes above Beginning Level 1. Please register for a proficiency test (click HERE) before registering for a class. Applicants should be able to speak in past and present tense about their hobbies, profession, daily routine, fashion, family and travel. Applicants should be able to use verbs of motion as well as reflexive verbs and feel comfortable with Nominative, Prepositional, Accusative and Genitive cases of Nouns and Adjectives as well as Perfective and Imperfective aspects of Russian verbs. For questions about the program, please contact TMORA’s Russian Language Program Manager, Elena Epshteyn: [email protected]
“Poekhali 1.2” Textbook and Workbook are required for this level.
Textbook and Workbook can be purchased at the museum store or online:
Intermediate Level
January 6 – March 10
Monday Evenings, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM CST
The goal of the course is for students to solidify their knowledge of Perfective and Imperfective aspects as well as expand their vocabulary and move toward independent speaking. Fun topics of this course include job interview, workday and life style.
Prerequisites: Advanced Beginning Level 5 or proficiency test.
For those with Russian language experience who have not previously taken classes with TMORA, a proficiency test is required to be placed in classes above Beginning Level 1. Please register for a proficiency test (click HERE) before registering for a class. Applicants should be able to talk in past, present and future tense about their hobbies, profession, daily routine, etc. Applicants should be able to use verbs of motion, have knowledge of perfective and imperfective aspects as well as reflexive verbs, and feel comfortable with the Case system of Russian nouns and Adjectives. For questions about the program, please contact TMORA’s Russian Language Program Manager, Elena Epshteyn: [email protected]
“Poekhali 2.1” Textbook is required for this level.
Textbook can be purchased at the museum store or online:
There is no workbook for this class.
Advanced Level
January 11 – March 15
Saturday Mornings, 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM CST
The goal of the course is for students to apply their conversational skills, practice verbs of motion and Perfective and Imperfective verbs. This class focuses on developing and fine tuning conversational skills and adding new vocabulary. Fun topics of this course include life style, free time and vacations. Students are encouraged to write and share their stories and participate in independent conversations.
Prerequisites: Intermediate Level or proficiency test.
For those with Russian language experience who have not previously taken classes with TMORA, a proficiency test is required to be placed in classes above Beginning Level 1. Please register for a proficiency test (click HERE) before registering for a class. Applicants should be able to talk in past, present and future tense about their hobbies, profession, daily routine, etc. Applicants should be able to use verbs of motion, have knowledge of perfective and imperfective aspects as well as reflexive verbs, and feel comfortable with the Case system of Russian nouns and Adjectives. For questions about the program, please contact TMORA’s Russian Language Program Manager, Elena Epshteyn: [email protected]
“Poekhali 2.1” Textbook is required for this level.
Textbook can be purchased at the museum store or online:
There is no workbook for this class.